Islamic Relief Worldwide
Islamic Relief is an international aid and development charity, which aims to alleviate the suffering of the world's poorest people. It is an independent Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) founded in the UK in 1984.
With an active presence in over 40 countries across the globe, we strive to make the world a better and fairer place for the three billion people still living in poverty. As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, Islamic Relief promotes sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities - regardless of race, religion or gender.
We are signatories to the Grand Bargain, Charter for Change, and the Red Cross Code of Conduct, which sets ethical standards for organisations involved in humanitarian work and commits us to the important principles of impartiality, neutrality and independence. We are also firmly committed to the People in Aid Code of Best Practice. The high quality and impact of our work means we are among only 5 UK-based charities to have been certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS). As full members of the INGO Accountability Charter, our excellence in transparency, good governance and social responsibility is recognised.
Our vision:
Inspired by our Islamic faith and guided by our values, we envisage a caring world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled, and people respond as one to the suffering of others.
Our mission:
Exemplifying our Islamic values, we will mobilise resources, build partnerships, and develop local capacity, as we work to:
- Enable communities to mitigate the effect of disasters, prepare for their occurrence and respond by providing relief, protection and recovery.
- Promote integrated development and environmental custodianship with a focus on sustainable livelihoods.
- Support the marginalised and vulnerable to voice their needs and address root causes of poverty.
At the international level, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) has consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council and is a signatory to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct. IRW is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) through raising awareness of the issues that affect poor communities and through its work on the ground. Islamic Relief is one of only 13 charities that have fulfilled the criteria and have become members of the Disasters Emergency Committee (, and is certified by CHS.
IRW endeavours to work closely with local communities, focussing on capacity-building and empowerment to help them achieve development without dependency.
Please see our website for more information
Project Overview
Islamic Relief’s country offices manage numerous humanitarian and development projects with explicit or implied climate adaptation elements. IRW has included in its proposal framework needs assessment the necessity for climate vulnerability and capacity analysis (CVCA). CVCA is a practical tool used in collaboration with local stakeholders to identify a community’s vulnerability to climate change and capacities to deal with its effects. Current CVCA toolkits are often designed for long-term development settings rather than for humanitarian contexts. The need now is to build the ability of IR country offices and local implementing organisations to follow this process in their humanitarian interventions.
As part of a SIDA financed intervention and coordinated by Islamic Relief Sweden, Islamic Relief is set to develop an accessible CVCA toolkit that can be utilised by Islamic Relief country offices, partners, and local organisations to help affected communities rapidly assess their vulnerabilities and capacities at the outset of an emergency or development project. Orientation and guidance workshops will enable four offices in countries highly vulnerable to climate disasters to trial the materials in their planning and to support local actors in their use. This intervention will extend the applicability of CVCA in development contexts and will build on Islamic Relief’s experience working with stakeholder engagement for the impact of environmental and climate awareness among local communities and integration with national and local political administrations.
The intervention will adapt ten years’ experience of the CARE CVCA approach as captured in their 2.0 handbook and the experience of Islamic Relief staff in following their TOT process, to develop a new version of the tool relevant and appropriate for the most vulnerable and marginalised people in fragile and disaster effected contexts. After the development of materials, the project will be implemented in four countries, all of which are experiencing extreme weather events linked to climate change. The target countries are Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Pakistan, and Somalia with Bangladesh supporting technically by leading the mid-term peer to peer internal programme review, recognising their leading role on climate change adaptation.
The aim of this consultancy is to create a bespoke CVCA toolkit in line with Islamic Relief needs to be applied in the given humanitarian and development contexts in which Islamic Relief operates. The CVCA will be geared towards humanitarian settings and incorporate sensitivities to gender, faith & culture, and be utilised for development, humanitarian and emergency operations.
Currently, Islamic Relief lack a comprehensive resource that enables country officers to conduct climate vulnerability capacity analyses that are sustainable and contextually relevant in line with Islamic Relief’s strategic goals of localisation and locally-led climate adaptation.
This consultancy will involve document reviews, meetings and engagement with country officers and partners and relevant stakeholders. The consultant is expected to the to conduct a desk review on existing tools and approaches pertaining to climate vulnerability capacity analyses.
Following this and ongoing consultation with target country offices and others, the consultant will produce a toolkit to support country staff and local partners in conducting CVCA. The resulting product will be trialled in applications and project proposals with the ambition of being scaled up integrated in 50% of all IR countries (approximately 14).
Consultancy Goals
- Islamic Relief will be provided with a comprehensive and innovative CVCA toolkit that takes into account the perspectives of gender, faith, and culture, and will be relevant for the contextual settings and utilised for development, humanitarian and emergency responses.
- Islamic Relief will be able to utilise the end product (CVCA toolkit) via workshops and engagement by officers in 4 highly climate vulnerable countries to trial the material and support local actors in their use.
- The consultant (or a further phase of consultancy) will be able to identify valuable insights, perspectives, and aspects pertaining to climate change vulnerability from stakeholders including local government, CSOs, faith leaders, etc.
Implementation framework
Consultant is invited to propose the specific methodology as part of this call. In general, it is envisaged this desk review and mapping will involve document reviews, emailing, face to face, virtual- and tele-meetings, going over existing CVCA and CARE CVCA tools, to formulate an end product that is contextually relevant for Islamic Reliefs humanitarian operations and development settings.
- Please refer to annex 1 & 2 (Log Frame and Implementation Plan) as well as relevant project documents which highlight the scope of the project and what is expected from the consultancy.
- The consultant is expected to propose a suitably robust methodology that will address the consultancy objectives to then produce an end draft within a 6 months consultancy time period.
- Within the scope of objectives, the consultant is expected to conduct a desk review & mapping of CVCA tools, actors to attain all the necessary aspects vital for the end product: A CVCA toolkit designed for IR humanitarian operations and settings that encompasses different gender needs and integrates faith and culture.
- Focus group discussions, interviews, and engagement with relevant stakeholders (see project proposal) to gain insights and lessons learned from existing tools, to be used for producing the new tool.
Policy Framework
The consultant will be expected to work within and abide by Islamic Relief’s policy frameworks on communications, information management, human resources etc. and will be obliged to sign an agreement assuring the confidentiality of data and information utilised and collected in pursuance of the consultancy. The consultant will be sensitive and compliant to any requirements of GDPR.
The CVCA product may be edited and adapted for external publication by IRW for wider communication and learning purposes.
Reporting Framework and Schedule
Brief reports (written or oral) on progress against implementation plan weekly for the duration of the consultancy.
Deliverables for this consultancy would be;
- Written implementation plan agreed with IRW and IR Sweden and others as required within one week of commencement.
- Meetings/consultations with country officers via a participatory approach.
- Agreement with IRW and IR Sweden on a suitable ordering and structure of the new CVCA toolkit
- Development of a climate vulnerability and capacity assessment (CVCA) toolkit suitable for use in emergency situations.
- Drafts of CVCA Tookit submitted for consultation
- Webinar and final consultation with IR staff
- First edition CVCA product within 4 months from commencement.
- Soft copies of all documents and notes created to support mapping and analysis used for compiling the CVCA Toolkit – including any tables, charts, graphs etc. Some of the resources and findings may be utilised for design.
Methodology and approach
1. The consultancy will conduct a desk review of literature concerning the implementation of locally-led and community based-adaptation with reference to tools and methods for conducting climate vulnerability and capacity analyses.
2. The consultancy will utilise qualitative research methodologies such as interviews and focus group discussions with Islamic Relief country officers to build on the literature review
3. The consultancy with support from the Product Development Team (see below) will ensure an inclusive and participatory approach in compiling the new CVCA tool through regular contact with key informants in country offices and their partners,
4. The consultancy will ensure that the CVCA tool will be written in plain English accessible to non-native speakers, and be readily translatable into other languages and digital formats.
The consultant will be responsible for conducting the activities and delivering the outputs set out in these terms of reference and will coordinate all activities with and through the IR Sweden Environmental Advisor and through them to the Product Development Team
The Product Development Team (and others as required) are for facilitating access to all relevant documents and staff necessary for the consultant to conduct these activities and deliver the outputs.
The IR Sweden Environmental Advisor is responsible for ensuring all components and engagement with the countries are effective and aligned in meeting project objectives during the planning, implementation and reporting phases of the project. They will initiate and follow up contacts with IRW and country offices.
IRW and country offices are responsible for facilitating the consultant’s access to stakeholders in country.
Required competencies
Required competencies of the consultant would be to:
- Have a broad understanding and experience of humanitarian and emergency settings and programming.
- Be familiar with CARE CVCA Handbook.
- Have specific knowledge of recent humanitarian interventions in at least one of the target countries
- Have experience using a variety of methodologies and conducting desk reviews and studies.Have experience in accessing and managing large bodies of diverse data and extracting relevant information from them and drawing appropriate conclusions and recommendations.
- Have proven ability to converse with stakeholders from a variety of background in order to elicit specific information.
- Write informatively and succinctly in English.
- Respect the values of Islamic Relief.
- Possess strong qualitative research skills.
Project outputs
In addition to the above mentioned deliverables, the following key considerations are expected;
- the consultant is expected to produce a detailed work plan and inception report, developed with and approved by IRW and IR Sweden
- The work plan, research notes, reports, presentations and CVCA product, etc., and communication language must be in English.
- The consultant will propose the most suitable structure for the CVCA Tool to be approved by IRW and IR Sweden.
- The consultant is invited to suggest layout and design for the final product.
Required inputs
The following are the key inputs:
Stakeholders to be involved include:
- IRW and IRW-field staff (through remote communication by Skype / Zoom etc) - In country partner staff, local CSO’s, disabled people’s organisations, local government, community leaders, faith leaders - Primary stakeholders, community members, children and youth,
a) Relevant IRW proposals, narrative reports and evaluation reports/documentation
b) External secondary information and data as appropriate to the desk review, including information pertaining to CVCA.
Indicative timetable and reporting information
The consultancy will be for a maximum of 4 months and commence from tendering date (almost immediate), until end product.
9th June 2023
Tender live date
22nd June 2023
Final date for submission of bid proposal
28th June 2023
Proposals considered, short-listing and follow up enquiries completed
4th July 2023
Consultant interview and final selection
10th July 2023
Kick off meeting with the consultant and agree on an evaluation methodology, plan of action, working schedule
20th July
Desk base review of existing materials and tools
28th July
Consultation with country offices and key stakeholders
18th Aug
Submission of the first draft CVCA Toolkit
1st September
IRW responses to draft CVCA
7th September
Review of feedback and resubmission of toolkit v2
28th September
Webinar and consultation with country offices online
10th October
Feedback and review of CVCA Toolkit
17th October
Final CVCA Toolkit submitted to IRW
Reporting information:
Contract duration: Duration to be specified by the consultant (no more than months)
Direct report: IR Sweden Environmental Advisor
Job Title: CVCA Consultant
IR Sweden Environmental Advisor acts in coordination with the Product Development Team who has the ultimate responsibility for the conduct of activities under this consultancy.
The consultant will communicate in the first instance with and will forward deliverables to the IR Sweden Environmental Advisor.
Proposal to tender and costing
The consultant interested in carrying out this work must submit the following items as part of their proposal/bid:
- Detailed cover letter/proposal outlining a methodology and approach briefing note
- Résumé(s) or CV(s) outlining relevant skills and experience possessed by the consultant who will be carrying out the tasks and any other personnel who will work on the project
- Example(s) or accounts of relevant work done
- The consultancy daily rate (fill in appendix 2)
- Expenses policy of the tendering consultant. Incurred expenses will not be included but will need to be agreed in advance prior to contract award (fill in appendix 2)
- Be able to complete the assignment within the timeframe stated above
- Be able to demonstrate experience of outcome reviews, mapping and impact assessment/evaluation approaches for similar work.
Terms and conditions
The consultant would provide financial proposal outlining detailed break up of costs and charges. There would be formal agreement on payment schedule and funds transfer process once the consultant would be selected. Payment will be made in accordance with the deliverables and deadlines for this project so are as follows:
- 40% of the total amount – First upfront payment
- 30% of the total amount – Submission of the first draft of the CVCA
- 30% of the total amount – Submission of the final CVCA including all outputs and attachments mentioned above
We can be flexible with payment terms, invoices are normally paid on net payment terms of 30 days.
Additional information and conditions of contract
The following additional information will be expected from the consultant and be pursuant to the conditions printed beneath as well as the terms and conditions in the consultancy contract.
- The ToR document is between the consultant and Islamic Relief Worldwide.
- Islamic Relief Worldwide is a legally registered charity under the laws of the United Kingdom charity registration number 328158
- This document covers the research project identified and described in this document and related correspondence and may not be expended for any other purposes without the prior written approval of Islamic Relief Worldwide, Head of Programme Quality.
- The project will be carried out under the auspices of the Islamic Relief Worldwide, Disaster Risk Management Department. The lead researcher will be working in the capacity of a freelance consultant, an individual or for an organisation.
- Collected data, information, reports and reference documents should be submitted, along with any audio files and transcripts collected.
- Intellectual Property Rights to all research, and data, conducted and collected and the final report belongs solely to Islamic Relief Worldwide.
- In case of contraventions or breach of any of the terms of the agreement, any outstanding payments to the Lead Researcher or the organisation will be withheld.
During the consultancy period,
IRW will only cover:
Consultancy fees
IRW will not cover
Tax obligations as required by the country in which he/she will file income tax.
Any pre/post assignment medical costs. These should be covered by the consultant
Medical and travel insurance arrangements and costs. These should be covered by the consultant.
To access or download the tender documents please follow the link below;
How to apply
Consultancy contract
This will be for an initial period that is to be specified by the consultant commencing in June 2023 (exact date to be mutually agreed). The selected candidate is expected to work from their home/office and be reporting to Environment Advisor, Islamic Relief Sweden
The terms upon which the consultant will be engaged are as per the consultancy agreement. The invoice is to be submitted at the end of the assignment and will be paid on net payment terms 30 days though we can be flexible.
All potential applicants must fill in the table beneath in Appendix 2 to help collate key data pertaining to this tender. The applicant must be clear about other expenses being claimed in relation to this consultancy and these must be specified clearly.
For this consultancy all applicants are required to submit a covering letter and CV’s of all potential consultants including the project lead.
A proposal including, planned activities, methodology, deliverables, timeline, and cost proposal (including expenses) are expected.
Other relevant supporting documents should be included as the consultants sees fit.
All applicants must have a valid visa or a permit to work in the UK (if travel is required to the UK). A valid visa/work permit is also required for those areas required to be visited as part of this consultancy.
Tender dates and contact details
All proposals are required to be submitted by Thursday 22nd June 2023 at 1.00pm UK time pursuant to the attached guidelines for submitting a quotation and these be returned to;
For any issues relating to the tender or its contents please email directly to;
Following submission, IRW may engage in further discussion with applicants concerning tenders in order to ensure mutual understanding and an optimal agreement.
Quotations must include the following information for assessment purposes.
- Timescales
- Full break down of costs including taxes, expenses and any VAT and be able to provide best value for money
- References (two are preferred)
- Technical competency for this role
- Demonstrable experience of working on a similar piece of work including a methodology
Note: The criteria are subject to change.
Appendix 1
Project Application Thematic CVCA 2023.
Annex 1 & 2 Project Logical Frame & Implementation Plan
- Data relating to items 1 – 2 below will be provided to the consultant by IRW. Consultancy CVCA will be required to present this information in an appropriate manner including using graphs/charts and any narrative commentary to summarise and provide any observations:
Mapping number of projects:
- Current existing CVCA tool utiliszed in Islamic Relief humanitarian responses?
- Content from CARE CVCA handbook and resources.
Appendix 2
Please fill in the table below. It is essential all sections be completed and where relevant additional expenses be specified in detail. In case of questions about how to complete the table below, please contact;
Cost evaluation for consultancy services on compiling and producing a CVCA toolkit, May 2023
Full name of all consultants working on this project
Full company trading name
No of proposed hours per week
No. of proposed days
Preferred days
Non preferred days
Earliest available start date
Expected project finish date
Day rate (required for invoicing purposes) £
Total cost for consultancy in GBP (less taxes and expenses) £
Expenses (flights) £
Expenses (accommodation) £
Expenses (transfers) £
Expenses (in country travel) £
Expenses (visa) £
Expenses (security) £
Expenses (food) £
Expenses (print/stationary) £
Expenses other (please specify) £
Total expenses £
Total VAT or taxes £
Total cost for consultancy in GBP (inclusive of taxes and expenses) £
The applicant is expected to take responsibility for paying full taxes and social charges in his/her country of residence.
To access or download the tender documents please follow the link below;