Terms of Reference Gender Analysis for project Resilience Water, Livelihood and Protection for Pastoralist Communities in Kapoeta North, South Sudan (RWALPAK) Consultancy Open for applicants internationally
BackgroundIslamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) is an independent humanitarian and development organization that has been serving humanity for over 34 years with an active presence in over 40 countries across the globe. IR strives to make the world a better and fairer place for the three billion people still living in poverty. IRW has been delivering a range of life-changing projects designed to boost incomes and enhance services for women and children in rural villages. Addressing gender equality and women’s empowerment is rooted in IR values and external commitments to SDGs. IRW Gender Justice Policy (2015) denotes the...importance of women, girls, men, and boys to society, and the importance of equity in the treatment of all people, regardless of their status. This should include equal opportunities and equitable access to resources and services according to gender needs, as well as recognition of all. It alludes.... the process of integrating gender analysis into every phase of the project cycle, including collecting and analyzing gender-disaggregated data into separate components. Islamic Relief has been operating in South Sudan since 2004 and from 2011 the Country Office was registered as Islamic Relief South Sudan (IRSS) with South Sudan Relief Rehabilitation Commission and is a member of South Sudan NGO Forum. As an INGO Islamic Relief has been working in South Sudan and had projects that put women at the center of its intervention, and in Greater Kapoeta, it has been observed that pastoralist women are most marginalized.
Background on RWALPAK Project IR South Sudan is responding to the humanitarian needs assistance to people in need in Kapoeta North. The project aims at improving WASH services, Livelihoods, and Protection access for 25,000 most vulnerable and marginalized people in Kapoeta North. According to WASH HNO 2021, it is estimated that only 36% of households have access to improved water sources in less than 30 minutes. Whereas 64% rely on unsafe water sources also experience limited access to basic safe sanitation hence practicing open defecation. Only 12% of the population in central Equatoria have access to WASH NFIs, washing soaps, jerry cans, buckets, and water treatment tabs. According to IRW independent assessment conducted in October 2020 nonfunctional boreholes account for 52% in Kapoeta North. The need to increase water for pastoralist livelihoods (livestock animal troughs) on top of domestic use among the affected communities remains a high priority. IRW-SS conducted 4 different assessments towards the end of 2019 and a quick check-in 2020 indicated that the situation remained unchanged as most households were experiencing hunger and needed food assistance. The three main objectives for this project include (1)1. Improved access to WASH services 18,000 vulnerable populations including sustainable water sources for livestock (2) Improved livelihoods for 3000 livestock household keepers through animal health services and (3) Improved general protection and access to structured PSS services to GBV survivors.
Gender Analysis Since there is little data about pastoralists’ women and girls' challenges related to decision-making processes in society and how they cope up given the climate-related shocks that overwhelm their entire livelihoods. A gender analysis is needed to understand the protection needs and risks that face women and girls from pastoralist society. Identifying protection risks should go beyond conflict and natural disasters related to GBV issues. The development of a gender analysis will also support the current project in terms of adapting our program response in Kapoeta North with a focus on describing the current situation around vulnerability to climate change and adaptive capacity of pastoralist communities and taking into account gender inequality, resource-based conflicts to inform project implementation and enabling the project team to identify improvements along the way. The consultancy will have to ponder into the background on pastoralist women in South Sudan and also reference data and own observations. The Gender Analysis report will help in obtaining evidence-based important information about the demographic structure, gender roles, position, available opportunities, and responsibilities for both women and men from the family and will also assist to determine levels of influence and acceptable culture and traditional norms that promote gender equality, inclusivity and human rights among the pastoral communities in Kapoeta and far beyond.
Scope of the assignment The geographical scope of the consultancy is Kapoeta North County, Eastern Equatoria State. 1. Undertake situation analysis of the project areas to identify gender issues/dimensions/gaps with respect to pastoralist natural resources management, WASH, Food Security, and Protection status,
Assess gender responsiveness of the project resilience component in order to record local knowledge on gendered impacts of environmental/climate change in Kapoeta North
Propose ways of strategies for dealing with risks and threats and untapped opportunities to achieve gender-based targets.
Provide specific recommendations on gender
mainstreaming across project activities and identifying specific considerations for mitigating and preventing GBV.
Objective: The objective of this assignment is to develop an in-depth gender analysis to better understand where women and men are situated in pastoralist livelihoods, localized sectorial priorities, and in addressing barriers for women’s empowerment, decision making, and participation in contributing to those priorities. It will underscore Gender mainstreaming, particularly emphasizing gender issues that are not limited to division of labor, access to and control of resources, leadership, and exposure to technologies promoting pastoralist livelihoods in Kapoeta. S/he will collect disaggregated baseline data that could be used to monitor gender impacts on risks of SAE, conflicts, in pastoralists’ communities, among pastoralist and disfranchisement of women, and effects on gender relationships.
Duties and Responsibilities:
(i)Develop a detailed methodology and work plan for the in-depth gender analysis, an approximate timeline needed to complete the study, and the required technical resources thus - proven ability to undertake gender analysis
(ii)Conduct a desk review of the relevant Gender and Pastoralist frameworks in South Sudan and close neighborhoods
(iii)Collection of data through a field trip to relevant RWALPAK project sites in Kapoeta
(iv) Identity Government Agencies, NGOs, Community Groups, including women’s associations or groups whose work focuses on gender to conduct interviews as part of data gathering processes to ensure broad integration of perspectives (v)Develop a concise report on the process and outcome of the gender analysis, develop a plan of action that identifies opportunities and entry points for mainstreaming gender into the project and designing gender-sensitive projects in pastoral areas There will be a question on How natural and social assets influence gender and power relations in pastoral communities?
(vi)Consultant is expected to have a team of data collectors based on SS gender analysis experience.
(vii)Conduct 1 –day dissemination workshop for a maximum of 15 IRSS staff in IRSS in Juba
Timeline The Consultant shall prepare and submit: Items Duration A preliminary document detailing methodology framework, work plan, timeline**,** local consultant CVs, List of agencies (Government and NGOs) 3–days field visits(primary data collection) including training enumerators and travel days 11–days 1stDraft Report 4–days Dissemination Workshop 1 –day, 2ndDraft taking comments and observations for the workshop attendees 4-days final Report –Lead consultant by email 2 –days
Competencies: Substantive experience conducting research and analysis in the area of gender equality and at least one other related to marginalized communities; Also should be acquainted with abroad realm of challenges faced by women living in remote areas that include but not limited GBV, Access to Water, Livelihood resources and other cultural hindrances in a patriarchal community’; Previous work related to pastoralists livelihoods especially in South Sudan or East and Horn of Africa; Strong understanding of the links between pastoralist livelihoods and gender issues; Ability to spend several days in a harsh environment (semi-arid, hot and windy); Experience in designing and facilitating capacity building processes including demonstrated experience training enumerators on data collection tool; Excellent analytical, writing, and communications skills; Demonstrated ability to work in an independent manner.
Academic qualifications: Master’s degree in any of the related areas: gender, sustainable development, rural development, or Bachelor’s degree with at least 7 years experience in relevant technical areas in Livelihoods, Protection, and Gender; Experience in producing reports in English will be an asset.
How to apply:
How to apply to Send application package containing the following (to be uploaded as one file): -Application Letter -Personal CV indicating all past experience from similar projects and specifying the relevant assignment. The reference, the section includes email and telephone contacts of at least two (2) professional references. -A two-page methodology on how you will conduct the work including a Work Plan and approach in delivering the required outputs within the assignment period. -Submit a USD Financial Proposal in excel and scanned copy signed by consultant and stamped (in case of firms). The financial proposal must indicate the daily professional fee; cost of travel from the home base to the duty station. Note that Consultant(s) covers own insurance. The Consultant will be responsible for providing her/his/their own laptop(s), but and internet data while in the field. -List all relevant Annexes relevant to this application
To apply, please submit your application pack by January 11th, 2022 the above by email to IRSS.Tender@islamic-relief.com.ss