Managing agency: Islamic Relief (IR) Canada
Implementing agency: IR Ethiopia and IR South Sudan
Project title: Protecting life and dignity (PROTECT)
Geographical area of intervention:
Ethiopia- Qarsadula, Liban Zone, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia
South Sudan- Kapoeta East and Kapoeta North, Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan
Start Date: August 1st 2022
Completion date: July 30th , 2023,
Project goal (expected impact)
Reduced suffering of hunger-stricken vulnerable women, men, and children in Ethiopia and South Sudan
Project Description
The PROTECT-GAC project implemented Health and Nutrition, WASH & Food Security/Livelihood interventions for 9 months in response to the ongoing drought. The three aims of the project was to;
- Improved access to food for the vulnerable women, men, and children.
- Reduced malnutrition among Pregnant and Lactating Women and children under 5 years.
- Increased access to gender-sensitive clean and potable water for drought-stricken women, men, and children.
In Ethiopia, the project provided; Multipurpose cash transfers for vulnerable food-insecure households, nutritional support for pregnant, lactating women, and children under the age of five; WASH support for community members unable to access safe drinking water. In South Sudan, the project implemented integrated lifesaving interventions through a multi-sectoral approach (FSL, WASH, Nutrition, and Protection) in drought-affected people in Kapoeta North and Kapoeta East Counties
Purpose and Scope
The overall objective of the end-line assessment is to measure and provide information on project performance against the plan/result framework on the three project components i.e., Food security/Livelihoods, (cash interventions), WASH and Protection. The end-line assessment report will identify best practices and key lessons, and program management approach to facilitate continued learning and improvement of East Africa Regional Office humanitarian emergency response. The Findings will be shared with GAC through IR Canada and used by IR Ethiopia and IR South Sudan for adaptive programming including proposal development. The assessment will be conducted in Qarsadula, Liban Zone, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia and Kapoeta East and Kapoeta North, Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan. The evaluation will assess;
Relevance: Was the design of the assistance modality used the most appropriate. Did PROTECT project effectively reach the most vulnerable households? Did the project address the priority needs of the affected population? Was the intervention most appropriate and its implementation relevant to the operational context.
Efficiency: Was the modalities employed cost-effective? Was adequate human, financial and logistical resources applied to delivering project outcomes? Were outputs delivered timely?
Effectiveness: Was the PROTECT sufficiently adaptable to a fluid and insecure context to deliver outputs in a timely way and sufficiently achieve targets? Were the monitoring mechanisms effective in providing timely data to inform programming decisions? To what extent did the project meet its targets and deliver outputs?
Accountability: among others, the evaluations will look into the following: were the communities involved throughout the project cycle? How effective were the complaint and response mechanisms put in place? Was the feedback from the communities used effectively?
Impact: what is the project impact to the household food security? Did food consumption score improve? Did Reduced Coping Strategies Index rCSI reduce? Did it increase the % of households using basic drinking water? Did malnutrition cases reduce, how about recoveries according to the sphere standards?
Specific Objectives
- Assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and accountability of the PROTECT strategies and interventions
- Document the lessons learnt and best practices to inform future programming
- Establish the extent to which the programme achieved its purpose and delivered on intended outputs, and whether the intended outcomes were met such as food security status of the PROTECT project beneficiaries.
- Examine the effectiveness and impact of the cash modalities used.
Project Implementation Framework
Outcome 1
Output 1.1
Improved access to food for the food insecure vulnerable women, men, and children
-Cash assistance provided to 850 HHs (700 HHs in Ethiopia and 150HH in South Sudan)
Output 1.2 (in South Sudan only)
-550 Households have improved food production through access to agricultural inputs (drought-resistant crop seeds and tools).
-300 Vulnerable households engaged in cash for work
-300 livestock farmers and 20 Community Animal health workers supported with basic livestock treatment services
Outcome 2
Output 2.1
Increased access to gender-sensitive clean and potable water for drought-stricken women, men, and children.
Safe and accessible water supply provided (Water trucking, construction of 3 new boreholes, rehabilitation of 3 strategic water sources, distribution of water tanks in 5 schools)
Output 2.2
Hygiene and sanitation supported (Distribution of WASH NFIs to 913 HHs, Hygiene and Sanitation Awareness sessions held, Training of hygiene promoters)
Outcome 3
Reduced malnutrition among Pregnant and Lactating Women and children under 5 years in East Africa
Output 3.1
Cases of SAM and MAM identified and treated (Support Mass screening through MUAC tapes)
Output 3.2
Community capacity building conducted on (Family MUAC, IYCF practices and Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM).
Outcome 4
Output 4.1
Increased knowledge on protection risk mitigation and response through women and girls’ empowerment on life skills to reduce GBV prevalence amongst communities affected by the drought.
women, men, girls, boys and PWDs empowered with gender and protection mainstreaming. - (10 dialogue meetings, Conduct case management & PSS sessions at WGFSS and GBV/PSEA trainings)
The evaluation will use a mixed-method approach consisting of both qualitative and quantitative data collection. The consultant will make extensive use of the available monitoring and evaluation data collected by project staff in South Sudan and Ethiopia implementation regions. This will include, when available, project reports (i.e. post distribution monitoring reports and monitoring reports) and findings from complaints and feedback mechanisms. The survey will use both qualitative and quantitative approaches in data collection and analysis. He/she will consider the conventional methods such as FGDS, using structured questionnaires and gathering/sourcing information from selected KIIs in both countries with project beneficiaries and other stakeholders. Aligning with the content of the TOR shared for this assessment, the consultant will develop the methodology, and the data collection tools and propose the team set up for data collection, to be validated by the Regional MEAL officer in collaboration with HQ MEAL Expert and Regional Humanitarian Manager.
Study Design and Approach
The independent consultant will propose a survey design that will be employed, In the design, the assessor will not control, manipulate, or alter the variables or project beneficiaries, but will instead rely on interpretation, observation and interactions to conclude, through correlations. The assessment will sample beneficiary households in the project implementation areas.
The assessment population will comprise of programme beneficiaries from the operational payams/kebeles and key informants in the community. The sampling unit will be a household. The programme will provide the consultant with a list of beneficiaries reached in each payam/kebele. The consultant will propose a detailed sampling technique and sample size calculations.
Management of the Consultancy
Consultant Will plan and coordinate data collection, review data, analyze it, and prepare a high-quality report
Reports to the IRW EARO REGIONAL MEAL OFFICER – Works directly with Ethiopia & South Sudan MEAL Coordinators
Key Responsibilities of the consultant
- Develop quantitative and qualitative data gathering tools in consultation with IRW EARO Regional MEAL Officer
- Conduct training for the data collection teams including pre‐testing of data collection tools
- Plan and coordinate quantitative and qualitative data collection
- Develop an inception report, detailing the study design, methodology, data-gathering tools, work plan schedule, and budget to carry out the assignment agreed in consultation with IRW EARO Regional MEAL Officer
- Carry out a desk review of secondary data and project documentation
- Work with the IRW EARO program team planning Study logistics
- Data quality assurance
- Review, clean, and analyze data collected
- Present preliminary findings to project stakeholders for validation
- Incorporate input from project stakeholders and submit a final report
- Produce Endline Assessment report
Role of IRW EARO
- Recruit an external consultant for the Endline Assessment
- Review and provide input on the consultant’s deliverables
- Guide Country Offices on the engagement with the consultant
- Provide consultant with background documents, reports, and available secondary data for review
- Provide oversight during data collection
- Ensure a smooth flow of consultancy engagement processes including contractual obligations.
Assessment report Structure
The consultant must submit three bound copies and a soft copy of the final assessment report which is expected to be maximum of 30 pages (without annexes) and with the following components:
- Preliminary Pages (Title page, Table of Contents including a list of annexes, Acknowledgement, Executive Summary, List of Acronyms and Abbreviations, Definition of Terms, and Concepts)
- A description of the project, including the results framework and theory of change – 1 page
- Purpose and Objectives of the Endline Assessment - 1 page
- Key study questions or objectives and a statement of the scope of the study, with information on limitations and delimitations – 5 pages
- An overview of the study approach, methodology and data sources – 3 pages
- study findings – 15 pages
- Conclusion/lessons learnt based on study findings – 3 pages
- Recommendations based on survey findings – 2 pages
- Appendices
Assessment deliverables
- Inception report (detailing consultant’s understanding of the assignment and costs associated with the assignment)
- Cleaned quantitative dataset (for quantitative data)
- The final report shall be submitted in 3 hard and soft copies.
- FGD score sheets/ reports/recordings and key informant interview forms/ reports.
- Related codebooks, and data analysis files (SPSS syntax files,)
- All field notes which should guarantee anonymity for the interviewees
Schedule, Timelines and Logistics
The consultant should describe the evaluation’s overall schedule that should end in August 2023 (i.e., duration, phasing, timing) as well as work hours, required preparation work, conditions that might affect data collection, meeting-arranging procedures, and needed and available office space (e.g., interviewers). However, below are some suggested timelines owed to the urgency of this assignment.
# of days to
Selection of the consultant
Week 1 August
Inception meeting between IRW EARO and the consultant to discuss the understanding of the assignment
Week 1 August
Review of project documents and submission of inception report
Week 1 August
including data collection tools
Finalize inception report and data collection tools based on feedback received
Week 2 August
Planning & actualization of consultancy logistics
Week 2 August
Conduct training for enumerators including pre-testing, and prepare for fieldwork
Week 3 August
Conduct data collection
Week 3 August
Data cleaning, analysis and submission of data tables and syntax files
Week 4 August
Drafting and submission of preliminary report
Week 4 August
Validation workshop with IRW EARO and country offices
Aug Week 4
Drafting and submission of draft final report after incorporating input on preliminary report and from the validation workshop
Sept week 1
Incorporation of final report review comments and submission of final report to IRW EARO
Sept week 1
Include logistics and other disbursement costs in the financial proposal as IRW EARO shall not cater for logistics and incidental costs. Islamic Relief shall pay all the costs (professional and logistics) upon completion of the consultancy service and delivery of the report. N/B; No milestone payment
Products rights and ownership
The ownership of the evaluation reports and associated products will belong to IRW, and any documents or publications related to this evaluation will not be shared externally except with the consent of the IRW EARO Regional Director.
Applications Requirements
- Capability statement: How the consultant or firm is structured for the assignment and CVs of the key personnel who will take part in the consultancy. - Technical Proposal: The consultant’s understanding and interpretation of the Terms of Reference (TOR), a detailed methodology on how the data collection and analysis will be done and a detailed implementation schedule for the study, as well as any other proposed, approaches the consultant may deem fit for this endline assessment. - Financial proposal: Itemized budget proposal that should include the consultancy fees and operational costs. - References: Names, addresses, telephone numbers of three organizations that you have conducted baseline/evaluations for within the last three years, that will serve as your professional referees. - List of Evaluation reports: Final reports for the assessments/evaluations conducted for the three reference organizations provided.
Desired Qualifications and abilities
- A minimum master’s degree in social sciences or relevant field; Statistics, M&E
- At least 10 years’ experience undertaking assessment for Food security, livelihoods, and Cash transfers programs.
- Must have led at least two to three similar/assignments in the past 4 years
- Proven experience in conducting qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods evaluation studies
- Experienced in undertaking baselines/evaluations in the Horn of Africa any country will be an added advantage especially in South Sudan and Ethiopia context
- Excellent conflict sensitive approaches and able to work in highly sensitive environments
- Knowledge and understanding on cash working groups minimum food basket value for each household.
- Have excellent written skills in English.
How to apply
Application Procedure: Interested consultants/firms that meet the requirements should submit an expression of interest (Technical and financial proposal) to IRSS.Tender@islamic-relief.com.ss
The deadline for submission of proposals from interested parties is 12th August 2023. Due to urgency selection will be done on rolling basis.